Tuesday, October 5, 2010

STILL ALIVE with new style_justin bieber (?)

posted by yolo di 5:29 AM
loooooooooooonnngg time no make a new post, huh?
u know,.. be a new student in new school.. Sooo busy.. And have many tasks..
It makes me tired and makes me have a feeling wanna dead== for them (my teachers), maybe its funny to make their students tired..
But for me, one of their students.. Its sucks! Awfull!! And.. --aaaaa
Back to the topic-

u know, i livin' in Makassar now.. South sulawesi, indonesia..
I think.. Makassar language a little bit difficult #lie-,-
many food in here, and thats so strange for me..
XP idlt
Anyway.. I love @justinbieber ,now.. Idk, why i can fallin' love with him-,- maybe.. 'cause his voice or.. His songs.. Umm.. I think both --
wait a minute,
i've his photo with different hair.. U wanna see?
I want..
If u dont wanna see, u can close ur eyes..

u know, its hairstyle's funny..

Bieber of BOTAK hairstyle
Bieber's bald 8)
or.. bieber without hair 8)
which one sentences what u think's suitable..

i allready to like his hairstyle~ 


u see that??
u like that??
> I see that! and I.. LOVE it <
u know,..
something's wrong with me o.O
a man in my life.. my mind.. and my heart.. only him-,-"
i know its not good==
how i can got my soulmate, if in my eyes only him o_O?


i look this on one of many site..

is it TRUE ?!
wanna see more ?
chech this one >> http://youtu.be/NlevSBh29Wc

tell me if this story's not right, okay?

see yaa~~

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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