Saturday, September 29, 2012

birthday wishes on twitter

posted by yolo di 2:21 PM
28th on September...♥
date : Friday, 09/28/2012
..was my sweet 17th birthday♥

well, i got thousand birthday wishes yesterday. lmao
not really, but many enough.. :')

about 53 birthday wishes on twitter..
well, amazing for me :)
my besties, my sista, my family, i mean Beliebers..
are gave that sweet 17th birthday wishes :')
eventho justin wasn't count one of there,
i felt amazing ♥
thank you Beliebers, you made my day :*

and one of 'em just sent me this :)
isn't this amazing? :')

you know how i feel
to be a part of this family..
and i know how justin feels to having Beliebers
this family just too adorable 

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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