Saturday, September 1, 2012

not working

posted by yolo di 9:42 AM
It's should be a good time for me and my 2 new friends..
but it's not.

Yo bloggies! i think i better choose you to be here :|
uh i hate when people can't keep their promise
why the heck people make a promise if they can't keep it and just broke it all the time
i'm tryin. i'm waiting, and i do mine. can't you just do the same!?

...just forget about it
i'm not on my mood to talk about that..

Were were we again?
lol i didn't begin anything
yesterday, August 31th 2012, i just took the value of my blog
it was 5 | 5 | 5+ | 5+
you know what makes me happy?
i don't know what the number mean is......

k. this is me. do you mind? :p
and i've one new task... well, it better called homework :/
to post a tutorial about how to make a card written,
it's Indonesia's birthday dude, August 17th ;)
it's Indonesia's 67th day....
so i made the card, and use Corel Draw
they want me to post the tutorial, so i will..

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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