Saturday, May 11, 2013


posted by yolo di 12:18 PM
long time no see ^^
after the nation exam, some test to get in any university huahh

and many other . . .
life, huh?
well, exactly i just did one test yesterday and there'll many other test again..
yep, wish me luck ! ._.
keep me in yo prayer dudes :s

what can i do for you?
umh, let me tell you a story,
some weeks ago, ima be a gamer (just for awhile before the nation exam kills me)
you can call it, Elsword Indonesia
fun, cool, amazing :)
and about some days after, they appear an event about elsword art!
im also an otaku :D why not then..
the event is still in progress, and i joined it
many gods software! the posted amazing draws=_=
yeah, at least.. wish me luck again *-*
this is a bit part one of my drawing :s

wanna know more about elsword?
let me post some pics about it ;) (you better check it!)

many cute characters,
and fun games
join in Elsword Indonesia

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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