Saturday, June 8, 2013

Manga Studio 5 [it works]

posted by yolo di 1:14 PM
Konnichiwa mina-san :3
yesterday i just curious about an app named 'manga studio'
and i found it out as a software like paint tool sai, and it's more unique
you can also make 3D art or animation, i don't know..
try it by yourself :)
i always wanted to try another application to make an art about manga :3
eventhough mine isn't that good, but i just like to do it :3
i got manga studio 5 here! [it works]
i tried it already ;)
with the crack full path

this is the prove it works

happy try!
gluck !
and see ya :3

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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