Wednesday, March 2, 2011

17th Biebs Bday!!

posted by yolo di 3:39 PM
12:53 a.m.1st March 1994 :)
there was his born, starting to feeling alive in the special world.. and born to be somebody :)
and now (i meant yesterday) is 1st March 2011, he's grew up! he's 17th years old now :)
never mind he's grew up be more tall, cute, talented, and romantic.. but that was the fact now ;)

heyy.. he's got a special girl now (looking for the rumors spreading)
they said, "Selena Gomez was Justin Drew Bieber's girl now"
wish God Bless them anytime :)
make they happy, God.. justin is my all, if he happy.. so do i :')
hey! it was awesome day!!
lets have fun! ;)

J- J- Just- JUST- JUSTIN!!!
I thanked to ya for all! for all your songs, for all your sentences, for all you acts, for all your love to beliebers, and for all you do!! that's all have to make me smile :)
Justin Drew Bieber
wish you happy and always be the best from the best!
your mom and your dad should be more proud to have an amazing son like you :)
God Bless you and your fam..

(see more guys!!)

nothing not special on you, justin ;)

and i knew you're a normal kid who has an awesome talent :)
i love you and support you forever
no matter what :)
wish you're still and always friendly to your fans :)
and wish you love us (your fans) as much as we love you :)
be greatful forever! ;)
L.O.V.E you..

(check me? risma-rizzy)
think enough.. and i have to go :)
i have my destiny to do, haha not too bad to be me ;)
see ya? later?

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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