Friday, February 3, 2012

get back .

posted by yolo di 4:13 PM
im dead for awhile and here i am! now! right here! yeah over here .
im back to alive ?
it's a long time to not to post any news ...

feels strange..
...a little bit.

im get in to the chemistry class... weird. i dont know about these lesson. yeah a little bit maybe :|
so i just getting busy there-..-
hmm.. i felt so lonely. i dont know, i need my bestie, i need her to talk to me and each other, i need her to me to tell my f story life now, i need her to watches me and accompany me, i need her to feels my tears out, i need her...
people here seems different, im too hurted to living here.
me and my besties are living in the different island.
i miss her :'|
i miss my old home.
i miss our old times.
remember when i was fell in love w/ someone in my place, i told her. she respects it :) she was there for me :)
remember when i need the advice, she also respects it :) she was there again for times :D
hey galih.. i miss you so much :')

i dont know if she still remember me now, but im just sure :)

many technology to use for, but i just have some times to make some conversations with her.
this life is sick :|
this place isnt cool anymore.
i've no real friend.
some of em just using me.
and another some just... i dont know, they looked different.

just listening Justin Bieber old songs, "Never let you go".
keep smiling and try to stands my tear :|

-God, i know im here for the reason. i just try to enjoy it. please dont make it harder than yesterday. thank you, thank you for everything (':

yep guys, i'll back to rauhlin' on twitter :'P
this is me.
im a belieber w/ all my heart for my family (Justin and Beliebers).

i'll be back soon when i get my time back to blog-ing :D
ahh it's better babes ;) thank you ♥
#muchlove #niggaout!

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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