Tuesday, February 28, 2012

posted by yolo di 8:02 PM
heyy :3
not on my way now..
feel unwell!
gah.. sometimes i just miss my childhood :/
got friends who deserved themselves to be where and when i need.
friends who understood what they must to do to me in any moments.
friends who wanted to  laugh together in any ways.
friends who braved to took a deal and the consequences together.
friends who dont deserve a FAKE heart.

that's all i miss from a friendship..
what a worth friendship♥

but i dont find all of these things now..
me and my childhood friends apart because of distances
even just a little,
even just a centi or mili,
i  d o  n o t  f i n d  i t  o u t!

well, i got friends.
friends who deserve their fake things to ME
friends who give bullshit to ME
friends who deserve a FAKE heart
they didn't even brave to take a deal and the consequences together..
yeah well, they take a deal by themselves, and just give me the f consequences.


I cry and no one even cares!
Im sick and no one even wanna know!!
I died and the just sit on their f chair! (oh yeah, it isn't happen yet)
I look my back and they just KILL me! (k it'd never happen)

where's the real mean of friendship?
they called me friend but never act like i am their friend
they told me that im their friend but never want to laugh with me, they just laughing at me..

they said that im their friend but never proof it, F!

they took so long and just killing me slowly..
just tell you're not and i'll looking for the way to us to get out from this drama.
and it'll be over. quickly. no more hurts.
enough . .

i try to out from this, i just try..

let's see then.
see you darls, your so helped :')
i love you :'3

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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