Sunday, April 8, 2012


posted by yolo di 9:00 PM
Justin is the sexy beast one!
especially at "BOYFRIEND"
if it sells now, i gonna get my boyfirend hoho :P
wahahahaha what? you mad? stay mad :P
you know what, many haters going to the right way.. you know which way?
stop hattin' on.
no one deserves to get hate from anyone else. no one.
til this time, us Justin and Beliebers.. never hattin' on haters.
if they try to breaking us, i just wanna tell that..
Justin and Beliebers, we are UNBREAKABLE. (you can check it bro)
mwahahahaha eat that :P if haters tryin' for this, they just wasting time.

what then ?
ah already hearing about #BELIEVE tour?

yeah! they'll start it soon aaaaaaaaaawwwww♥
they know how to make us Beliebers got smile and excited! (;
Thanks #TeamBieber! Thanks alot for everything♥ C:

here's some bonus for this post :

look at his cute face♥ aw Kidrauhl, you're still you :)
this one :

SEXY...♥ *.*
that's my Bieber :3
haha enough :) see ya niggas :D

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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