Monday, July 19, 2010

special for my BFriends

posted by yolo di 9:43 PM
Hi ya..
Blogggiiiiiieees ><
i'm back! with my new life --

i'm a student of senior high school, now..
i have a new class, new friends, new teachers, new seniors and umm.. everything -,-
but, i find it too hard to adapt with my new life.. so, i'm still alone in there like a lost child..
it was pathetic --
well, this is my fate.. so, i try to enjoy.. although i could not do that =___="

u know ?
i wanna talk to my bfriends..
i really miss my bfriends..
oh, i need u, guys.. now, here and with me..
well, this is i made for my bfriends..

maybe this's a last post for this month or.. i don't know.. -_____-"
cause, i'll be very very busy for today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and next..
i just wanna say, "..friends, please don't forget me.. meskipun kita sudah sibuk dengan segala urusan yang baru di hadapan kita.. meskipun kita jarang bertemu, saling sapa, saling mencurahkan hati dan apalah itu.. please, remember me.. and umm.. aku cuma mau satu hal, put me in your heart and take me every where you go.." *maap, inggrisnya ilang-ilangan --"

huweeeee ><-
i can't stand my tears..
now, i'm overwhelmed cause my tears -_________-" *oke, itu lebeh--

and.. see ya ^^-

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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