Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Back, Guys !!

posted by yolo di 12:37 PM
Hi Bloggiiieee-aaaaa>
Hi last August, too !!
sorry i'm late to makes a new post again, unyu~
i'm busy.. eeaaa~
i wanna give u promotion => u can add my YM => yoyo_risma #come on!
don't forgot yea~

krik krik krik.

u know huh? today is a last day in August.
so, tomorrow is certainly a new day in September! yeah!! #apabanget--
whats ur hope when September's come, huh ?
certainly a great hope, huh~
i wanna tell u about something's special in September,
u know?! exactly on 28th September is my birthday!! ahaa~
then, on 30th September is my Bfriend's birthday, too. she's galih aichi nuraty #http://twitter.com/galiihaichi
ow, one person again!
on 26th September is my friend's birthday~ he's m. ferisco khamal #http://twitter.com/Freakrisco
u know about my dvd ? when i'll tell u on 'DVD-ku nggak balik-balik's post ? people who borrowed my dvd is him. yeah, and now.. that's dvd i give to him -__-
cause i'm too lazy for takes my dvd from him-,-
if  his say 'sorry', i'll forgive that. but i know, his never say 'sorry' to me. he's strange people -,- he's always laughing when i chat with him ==aa
and i know that. so, #abaikan-,-

i've new pictures!
i makes and edit this picture just for u and my blog :)
let's see =>>
its i makes with my hand #authentic! but i edit with adobe potoshop again><
i think its a great picture >< but i don't know, what about u all--?

Lee Cookie!
its i makes with adobe potoshop -,-
u know, why i give 'Lee Cookies's name for this picture huh?
'Lee' i takes from actor's BBF 'Lee min ho'. why? cause that hat is hat's lee min ho ><~
and 'cookies', cause its a cookie -,-
so, i give 'Lee Cookies's name. i know its a little bit strange ^w^~
but i like it! so cute for me~>o<

i think thats enough :D
xixixixi #apabanget--
i don't know, what can i said again -,-?
i think, i talk too much in this post

i wish we're hope in September will can be real!
yea! -_-

oke, see ya~

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i appreciate it.
thank you :)

can we do an air hug?


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